We were pretty damned excited when the Calvin and Hobbes Stamp was announced, and even more when the Complete Calvin and Hobbes three book boxset came out. Which makes us a prime audience for this documentary. Titled Dear Mr. Watterson, the trailer takes a deep look into the cultural impact of what we think is one of the best comic strips of all time, Calvin & Hobbes. Directed by Joel Allen Schroeder, Dear Mr. Watterson investigates creator Bill Watterson’s ever lovable duo, and includes interviews with comic heavyweights like Bloom County’s Berkeley Breathed, as well as Lee Salem, Stephan Pastis, Jef Mallett, Dave Kellett, Charles Solomon, Seth Green, Keith Knight, Jenny Robb, Tony Cochran, Andrew Farago (Cartoon Art Museum), Joe Wos (Toonseum), Jean Schulz, Jan Eliot, Bill Amend, and more. Despite the investigation of his artistic creation, Schroeder promises Dear Mr. Watterson is not a quest to find Watterson or invade his privacy. As he explains:

“Dear Mr. Watterson is a film that will look to the readers and fans of Calvin & Hobbes to tell the story of the strip and its creator. As we explore the art and impact of Bill Watterson through this unique perspective, the undying appreciation and love of Calvin & Hobbes and the man behind it will be evident in the anecdotes, stories, and memories shared by readers of the strip and friends and colleagues of Mr. Watterson.”

Watch the official trailer for Dear Mr. Watterson below, which will be released into theaters and on-demand on November 15, 2013.

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